Hey there folks, in order to help you find out which SIGI arming sword is the best for you, we have created a complete guide to all our arming swords. It summarizes all possible modifications and properties of our one handed swords along with pictures.
The summary can be found here:
Just FYI, we have customization pages for all categories of products.
For feders, click here: https://sigiforge.com/customization/
For rapiers, follow this link: https://sigiforge.com/rapier-customization/
The saber customization page can be found here: https://sigiforge.com/saber-customizations/
No need to save the URLs, all of these pages are easily accessible from the top page menu (the so called hamburger/three lines icon).
If you have any questions, just shoot us a message to sigi@sigiforge.com or send us a PM on Facebook or on our Instagram.
Thank you and have a nice day!