As a part of our 2024 April Fool’s Day auction we offered two special swords; one was the famous SIGI Dumptruck, based upon a meme which circulated after our SIGI Light feder release (so good right) and the other was a special replica we made for the occasion – the SIGI Moldau.
Before you continue reading, we recommend this classical piece from Bedřich Smetana called Moldau for the mood:
SIGI Moldau or Vltava in Czech/Slovak is sharp replica inspired by a medieval blade found in the river Vltava near Vyšehrad, Praha dated to late 14th or early 15th century. The blade shares the same swordsmith marks as a sword which is currently present in Brno museum. Unlike the Vltava blade, the Brno sword’s hilt is present so we made a proportionally and visually similar hilt on the blade to recreate a typical late 14th century longsword.

Notes about the Moldau blade from the book “Ninth to mid-sixteenth century swords from the Czech Republic in their European context, Part I: The finds, p. 217″ by Petr Žákovský:

The Brno longsword is a little bit different; thought the blade shares visual similarity, the sword is much longer – 1332mm, with a blade length of 1077mm. Naturally with dimensions like this the weight climbs up to 1.8kg, or 1765g to be precise with a point of balance suitable for war 85mm.
“Ninth to mid-sixteenth century swords from the Czech Republic in their European context, Part I: The finds, p. 280” by Petr Žákovský:

Making historically correct, battle-ready swords takes skill and dedication and we’ve dedicated a lot of time to make this sword perfect. Due to its size, dimensions and finish it feels great in hands and it certainly is an amazing cutting sword.

SIGI Moldau
- Total length: 1120mm
- Blade length: 880mm
- Blade width at the crossguard: 45mm
- Handle length: 180mm
- Pommel length: 40mm
- Crossguard width: 195mm
- Point of balance: 75mm
- Total weight: 1438g
- Grip material: leather
- Grip color: brown
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And just for fun, below you can find the SIGI Yeahbutt or the SIGI Dumptrack April Fool’s Day special. Have a great day!