Events from March 8 – April 26 – Sigi Forge

HEMA Events Calendar


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Žilinský Kumšt VIII.

Športová hala ŽSK Rosinská cesta 6, Žilina

We would like to invite you to the 8th annual Žilinský Kumšt tournament! ⚔️ This unique contest of fencing masters, under the auspices of the Terra de Selinan Guild and the Federation of European Martial Arts of Slovakia (FEBUS), promises thrilling matches that will test your courage, skill, and determination. Come and fight for a […]


Flos Duellatorum with Federico Malagutti

Via Agostino Maspoli, 6850 Mendrisio Via Agostino Maspoli, Mendrisio, TI, Switzerland

The "Compagnia del Corvo Grigio" is happy to invite everyone to our next workshop hosted in Ticino with Federico Malagutti as our guest instructor. We are going to have two days of lessons about Fiore dei Liberi's Flos Duellatorum tecniques with the longsword. For more informations and reservations, contact us via the e-mail provided in […]


Brünner stich 2025

Next edition of tournament Brünner stich is here again! It will be take place in Brno as again on 26th of April 2025. We will compete in two categories LSO and LSW. For more information follow our social sites! --------------------- Další ročník turnaje Brünner stich je zpět! Stejně jako minulý rok se bude konat v […]
