Past Events from June 15 – September 7 – Sigi Forge

HEMA Events Calendar


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Wolf’s Head

We are pleased to invite you to the second Wolf’s Head Tournament — one and only HEMA competition in Georgia! Discover new horizons in a country with breathtaking landscapes and excellent wine. And most importantly, don't miss the chance to compete with new opponents. Polish your swords and sabers to a shine, pack your bags […]

Queen of the hill – Ladies HEMA Tournament day

Angel Chernaev's training hall 2 "Shipchenski Prohod" blvd, Sofia, Bulgaria

Our HEMA community is growing each year and it's time to have a dedicated tournament day for the Ladies. At this event you will have the opportunity to fence in the three commonly trained disciplines in Bulgaria - Longsword, Arming sword, Sword and buckler. Also a mixed weapon tournament game "Queen of the hill"(further details […]
