Our HEMA community is growing each year and it’s time to have a dedicated tournament day for the Ladies.
At this event you will have the opportunity to fence in the three commonly trained disciplines in Bulgaria – Longsword, Arming sword, Sword and buckler. Also a mixed weapon tournament game “Queen of the hill”(further details – later). Weapon and equipment will be on “bring your own” basis but I will do my best to provide everyone who wants to join with what they are missing (let me know before the event).
Standard gear requirements apply – will be further linked for those newer to the scene.
Ruleset will be further shared but the basic is my training “first hit priority” ruleset – clean hit – 2 points, bilateral hits – 1 point to the attacker, simultaneous attack – 0 points.
Participation fee: One tournament 25€, second tournament 15€, third tournament 10€