Reykjavik HEMA Club – Sigi Forge

Reykjavik HEMA Club

Keppinautur – 12-16 year olds

Laugardalshöll Laugardalshöll, Reykjavík, Reykjavík, Iceland

Keppinautur is a beginner friendly longsword charity tournament that is open to all HEMA practitioners. This event is specifically for 12-16 year olds. The cap on registrations is 24 participants. This is the second Icelandic HEMA tournament but the first one dedicated solely for 12-16 year olds and is dedicated to the memory of Szczepan […]


Keppinautur 2023 – Charity Tournament

Laugardalshöll Laugardalshöll, Reykjavík, Reykjavík, Iceland

Keppinautur is a beginner friendly longsword charity tournament that is open to all HEMA practitioners. There is a cap on registrations: 24 open slots total This is the second Icelandic HEMA tournament for adults and is dedicated to the memory of Szczepan Łakomy, who passed away in a fire on the 25th of June 2020. […]


Keppinautur 2024

íþróttamiðstöðin Hella Útskálar 4, Hella, Iceland

The icelandic Hema club is hosting, for the second time, Keppinautur. This year will be our biggest so far! We'll be competing in Longsword, Rapier and maybe something more that will be announced later. If you've been looking for an excuse to come to Iceland, this is it!
