Montpellier Hema Tournament 2025
Gymnase Georges Frêche Rue le Titien, Montpellier, Hérault, FranceWomen challenge Open Longsword Open Sidesword Open Saber Open Rapier&Dagger
Women challenge Open Longsword Open Sidesword Open Saber Open Rapier&Dagger
Black Horns Cup is a cyclical HEMA tournament organized since 2018, part of the Polish FEDER League. Workshops and competitions: - Open Longsword - Open Sabre - Open Rapier & Dagger - Open Sword & Buckler - Women's competition (weapon TBA) - Cutting competition
Black Horns Cup is a cyclical HEMA tournament organized since 2018, part of the Polish FEDER League. Workshops and competitions: - Open Longsword - Open Sabre - Open Rapier & Dagger - Open Sword & Buckler - Women's competition (weapon TBA) - Cutting competition
Black Horns Cup is a cyclical HEMA tournament organized since 2018, part of the Polish FEDER League. Workshops and competitions: - Open Longsword - Open Sabre - Open Rapier & Dagger - Open Sword & Buckler - Women's competition (weapon TBA) - Cutting competition
Black Horns Cup is a cyclical HEMA tournament organized since 2018, part of the Polish FEDER League. Workshops and competitions: - Open Longsword - Open Sabre - Open Rapier & Dagger - Open Sword & Buckler - Women's competition (weapon TBA) - Cutting competition